Vertical sliding shutters


Shutters with upper-packaging: their simply drawing and their construction characteristics guarantees a valid anti-intrusion defense.

Also perfect for restructures:
The easy installation and reduced top encumbrance make this kind of closures also applicable for already-finished buildings-by replacing the existent ones- without special works.

Safety Requirements and performance characteristics in conformity with EN 13241-1 rules
The I.S.E.A. modular barriers with upper packaging are safe in any opening and closure phases.  The system has been tested by a certification authority, before being pushed on the market.

Brand lines

ISEA s.r.l. Funo di Argelato Bologna - 40050 Bologna - Italy
P.I.: 00827961202 - R.E.A.: BO - 210816 | Tel.: +39-051-862004 | Fax: +39-051-861404 | e-mail:
C.F e di ISCRIZ. 00308100379 R.I. di BOLOGNA - Cap.i.v. € 116.000,00

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