Closures for agricultural center FICO

Sizes: width 18 meters x Height 4 ,5 meters

Installation place: Emilia Romagna – Italy

Loading/unloading gallery – fruit and vegetable distribution for wholesale

Realized solution:

Vertical packable shutter, electrically operated, micro perforated, galv. Steel, a sole closure for all the length of front.

Complete supplying and installation.

All the information shown in this document (descriptions, technical specifications, pictures, prices etc.) are indicative only, not binding and can be changed without notice. Despite it, this document remains valid.

Brand lines

ISEA s.r.l. Funo di Argelato Bologna - 40050 Bologna - Italy
P.I.: 00827961202 - R.E.A.: BO - 210816 | Tel.: +39-051-862004 | Fax: +39-051-861404 | e-mail:
C.F e di ISCRIZ. 00308100379 R.I. di BOLOGNA - Cap.i.v. € 116.000,00

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